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150 results found (10 trials and 6 competitions, 140 different dogs participated):
Time Sport TrialOrganizer Judge Breed Dog HandlerPointsMarkResultPlace
29.07.09 KK-1 trialURANLea MengelBRI Ace of Campanella Badria's Darling Hele Värav71satisfactoryKK-1
17.09.15 KK-1 trialEKSLLea MengelMIX Alexia Marika Mikk87goodKK-1
17.03.18 KK-3 competitionARTICUSLea MengelSLK Allsaare Elis Aljona Nestrik45unsatisfactory
17.03.18 KK-2 competitionARTICUSLea MengelSLK Allsaare Erna Natalja Porohnja70satisfactoryKK-26
17.03.18 KK-2 competitionARTICUSLea MengelSLK Allsaare Fury Ingrid Mahoni96excellentKK-26
07.12.08 KK-1 trialRAPLALea MengelSLK Alpha Triin Ojamaa70satisfactoryKK-1
17.09.15 KK-3 trialEKSLLea MengelSLK Assuwehof Donner Rita Tehvo77satisfactoryKK-3
15.11.14 KK-2 competitionARTICUSLea MengelMIX Bentley Jana Mängli89goodKK-26
04.11.12 KK-1 trialHAAPSALULea MengelMIX Bianka Küllike Nõu70satisfactoryKK-1
04.11.12 KK-2 trialHAAPSALULea MengelIKS Blackest Franz-Ferdinand Aili Mängel83goodKK-2
22.06.11 KK-2 trialURANLea MengelIKS Blackest Franz-Ferdinand Aili Mängel75satisfactoryKK-2
23.01.16 KK-1 trialHAAPSALULea MengelVLK Born To Win Warrior Conan Monika Miilsaar70satisfactoryKK-1
28.05.08 KK-1 trialURANLea MengelSLK Briatore Neero Hannes Karri85goodKK-1
22.06.11 KK-1 trialURANLea MengelDOB Caesarcordell Maris Raik74satisfactoryKK-1
29.07.09 KK-1 trialURANLea MengelBRI Calliope Badria's Darling Hele Värav87goodKK-1
15.11.14 KK-3 competitionARTICUSLea MengelSLK Centaur Janec Mururand86goodKK-37
15.11.14 KK-2 competitionARTICUSLea MengelSLK Chantico A Marckhell Kelin Pihlakas62unsatisfactory
28.05.08 KK-1 trialURANLea MengelWSS Cheddarhill Berth Balthasar Tuuli Vaino59unsatisfactory
06.04.13 KK-1 competitionAKTIIVLea MengelDOG Commedia Dell'Arte Dali Gerle Aljas80goodKK-13
06.04.13 KK-3 competitionAKTIIVLea MengelSLK Daana Ivo Milli94very goodKK-33
17.09.15 KK-3 trialEKSLLea MengelHOV Damihoff Dagobert Madi Nõmm85goodKK-3
14.07.07 KK-2 competitionURANLea MengelSLK Defendervil Buffy Mailis Paal119goodKK-24
06.11.11 KK-3 trialEVLÜLea MengelSLK Defendervil Derby Vilve Ala-Paal88goodKK-3
04.11.12 KK-1 trialHAAPSALULea MengelSLK Defendervil Faust Ruth Lillepea84goodKK-1
14.07.07 KK-1 competitionURANLea MengelSSN Dinamunde Kaliostro Reval Dream Urmas Linntamm110goodKK-12
17.03.18 KK-1 competitionARTICUSLea MengelKUL Double Flame Jamie Shine Kaidi Kobar90very goodKK-11-2
17.09.15 KK-1 trialEKSLLea MengelKUL Double Flame Jamie Shine Kaidi Kobar83goodKK-1
14.07.07 KK-3 competitionURANLea MengelSLK Estrellest Bonne Urve Lageda121very goodKK-36
14.07.07 KK-3 competitionURANLea MengelSLK Estrellest Drakon Meeli Puusepp115goodKK-36
08.07.06 KK-3 competitionURANLea MengelSLK Estrellest Edisson Pearu Peterson113goodKK-35-6
08.07.06 KK-3 competitionURANLea MengelSLK Estrellest Extasy Urve Lageda92satisfactory
22.06.11 KK-1 trialURANLea MengelSLK Estrellest Faro Riho Okas81goodKK-1
04.11.12 KK-2 trialHAAPSALULea MengelSLK Estrellest Fiesta Viljar Paas70satisfactoryKK-2
14.07.07 KK-2 competitionURANLea MengelSLK Estrellest Krõll Hellar Nirk105goodKK-24
02.10.11 KK-1 competitionPÄRNULea MengelSLK Estrellest Kurimuri Kardinal Eve Pungas78satisfactoryKK-14
14.07.07 KK-3 competitionURANLea MengelSLK Estrellest Naks Ülle Rauk101satisfactory
08.07.06 KK-2 competitionURANLea MengelSLK Estrellest Naks Ülle Rauk120very goodKK-23
02.10.11 KK-3 competitionPÄRNULea MengelSLK Estrellest Õnnex Eve Pungas74satisfactoryKK-34
14.07.07 KK-3 competitionURANLea MengelSLK Estrellest Uku-Ruudi Eugen Põllumäe117goodKK-36
08.07.06 KK-3 competitionURANLea MengelSLK Estrellest Uku-Ruudi Rama Põllumäe113goodKK-35-6
17.03.18 KK-3 competitionARTICUSLea MengelSLK Estrellest Vapper Viola Galina Murel88goodKK-33-4
15.11.14 KK-1 competitionARTICUSLea MengelVLK Estrellest Xarrety Erki Muru83goodKK-13
22.06.11 KK-1 trialURANLea MengelSSN Evgenika Iz Bandy Chernyh Marii Pikkoja78satisfactoryKK-1
02.10.11 KK-1 competitionPÄRNULea MengelDOB Falk Festus Allegro Leela Nõu74satisfactoryKK-14
07.12.08 KK-2 trialRAPLALea MengelSLK Fest Kiefer Barcelona Reet Reimann80goodKK-2
06.11.11 KK-1 trialEVLÜLea MengelSLK Fest Kiefer Cabrina Kätlin Koidumäe74satisfactoryKK-1
08.07.06 KK-3 competitionURANLea MengelSLK Fest Kiefer Eros Esta Ratnik125very goodKK-32-3
17.03.18 KK-1 competitionARTICUSLea MengelSLK Fest Kiefer Gangster Valeria Volovik70satisfactoryKK-13-4
04.11.12 KK-3 trialHAAPSALULea MengelSLK Fest Kiefer Nitra Merike Võsu78satisfactoryKK-3
08.07.06 KK-3 competitionURANLea MengelSLK Fest Kiefer Stas Rene Tamm121very goodKK-32-3
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