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150 results found (10 trials and 6 competitions, 140 different dogs participated):
Time Sport TrialOrganizer Judge Breed Dog HandlerPointsMarkResultPlace
02.10.11 KK-1 competitionPÄRNULea MengelSLK Estrellest Kurimuri Kardinal Eve Pungas78satisfactoryKK-14
02.10.11 KK-1 competitionPÄRNULea MengelDOB Falk Festus Allegro Leela Nõu74satisfactoryKK-14
02.10.11 KK-1 competitionPÄRNULea MengelROT Reeweil In-Jordan Gersti Kont70satisfactoryKK-14
02.10.11 KK-2 competitionPÄRNULea MengelSLK Hillary Solo Rigoletto Kätlyn Prank79satisfactoryKK-21
02.10.11 KK-3 competitionPÄRNULea MengelAMB Love Legacy Regnant Rival Kertu Koppel77satisfactoryKK-34
02.10.11 KK-3 competitionPÄRNULea MengelSLK Estrellest Õnnex Eve Pungas74satisfactoryKK-34
22.06.11 KK-1 trialURANLea MengelBOX Golden Amulette Chicka Chiara Maris Raik79satisfactoryKK-1
22.06.11 KK-1 trialURANLea MengelSSN Evgenika Iz Bandy Chernyh Marii Pikkoja78satisfactoryKK-1
22.06.11 KK-1 trialURANLea MengelSLK Fest Kiefer Zamira Esta Ratnik77satisfactoryKK-1
22.06.11 KK-1 trialURANLea MengelDOB Caesarcordell Maris Raik74satisfactoryKK-1
22.06.11 KK-2 trialURANLea MengelIKS Blackest Franz-Ferdinand Aili Mängel75satisfactoryKK-2
27.10.10 KK-3 trialURANLea MengelTER Melin Lee Denethir Leon Maria Soonberg70satisfactoryKK-3
29.07.09 KK-1 trialURANLea MengelBRI Ace of Campanella Badria's Darling Hele Värav71satisfactoryKK-1
07.12.08 KK-1 trialRAPLALea MengelMIX Hugo Maila Kasepõld73satisfactoryKK-1
07.12.08 KK-1 trialRAPLALea MengelSLK Impish Cohors-Concilio Harri Kaldma70satisfactoryKK-1
07.12.08 KK-1 trialRAPLALea MengelSLK Alpha Triin Ojamaa70satisfactoryKK-1
14.07.07 KK-3 competitionURANLea MengelSLK Estrellest Naks Ülle Rauk101satisfactory
14.07.07 KK-3 competitionURANLea MengelDOB Yacheero's Inspired of Indra Maris Raik98satisfactory
08.07.06 KK-2 competitionURANLea MengelSLK Margman Orpheus Kai Raud89satisfactory
08.07.06 KK-3 competitionURANLea MengelSLK Impish Laus Lea Vello Vahesalu94satisfactory
08.07.06 KK-3 competitionURANLea MengelSLK Estrellest Extasy Urve Lageda92satisfactory
17.03.18 KK-2 competitionARTICUSLea MengelMT Juger Edelweiss Nenagljadnaya Moya Julia Knut67unsatisfactory
17.03.18 KK-2 competitionARTICUSLea MengelSLK Holli Meisehof Svetlana Sedovits64unsatisfactory
17.03.18 KK-3 competitionARTICUSLea MengelSLK Allsaare Elis Aljona Nestrik45unsatisfactory
15.11.14 KK-2 competitionARTICUSLea MengelSLK Chantico A Marckhell Kelin Pihlakas62unsatisfactory
04.11.12 KK-2 trialHAAPSALULea MengelMIX Lasse Roger Uusmaa67unsatisfactory
04.11.12 KK-2 trialHAAPSALULea MengelSLK Steinhain Nero Urmas Sukles55unsatisfactory
27.10.12 KK-1 trialPÄRNULea MengelSLK Heleros Jovis Siiri Vee61unsatisfactory
27.10.12 KK-1 trialPÄRNULea MengelSLK Margman Charli Ines Leppik46unsatisfactory
06.11.11 KK-2 trialEVLÜLea MengelSLK Margman Hexe Ingrid Kõrgesaar-Lillmets63unsatisfactory
22.06.11 KK-1 trialURANLea MengelSLK Wunderstern Karsten Raivo Midt27unsatisfactory
27.10.10 KK-2 trialURANLea MengelTER Montmorenja's Elleville Gerberos Sigrid Hütsi67unsatisfactory
29.07.09 KK-1 trialURANLea MengelMIX Lotta Tiina Luht58unsatisfactory
29.07.09 KK-1 trialURANLea MengelSLK Heleros Reiser Alar Viidu55unsatisfactory
07.12.08 KK-2 trialRAPLALea MengelSSN Phoenix Emperor Biz Brand Bigwig Jaanika Kuldmaa56unsatisfactory
07.12.08 KK-3 trialRAPLALea MengelSLK Margman Deli Heli Hannus0unsatisfactory
07.12.08 KK-3 trialRAPLALea MengelSSN Phoenix Emperor Belphoebe Beats All Jaanika Kuldmaa0unsatisfactory
28.05.08 KK-1 trialURANLea MengelWSS Cheddarhill Berth Balthasar Tuuli Vaino59unsatisfactory
17.03.18 KK-2 competitionARTICUSLea MengelCDB Floyd Aljo Pärn86goodKK-26
17.03.18 KK-3 competitionARTICUSLea MengelSLK Heleros Viola Ahto Luidalepp88goodKK-33-4
17.03.18 KK-3 competitionARTICUSLea MengelSLK Estrellest Vapper Viola Galina Murel88goodKK-33-4
17.03.18 KK-3 competitionARTICUSLea MengelBC Follow The Leader Adrenaline Rush Natalja Garastsenko87goodKK-33-4
17.03.18 KK-3 competitionARTICUSLea MengelMAL Ruutipussi Marko Kristi Pai85goodKK-33-4
17.03.18 KK-3 competitionARTICUSLea MengelSLK Hamanda Meisehof Maria Burmistrova83goodKK-33-4
23.01.16 KK-1 trialHAAPSALULea MengelMIX Lotte Mait Meister86goodKK-1
17.09.15 KK-1 trialEKSLLea MengelSLK Kaiser Leili Liivas88goodKK-1
17.09.15 KK-1 trialEKSLLea MengelMIX Alexia Marika Mikk87goodKK-1
17.09.15 KK-1 trialEKSLLea MengelKUL Double Flame Jamie Shine Kaidi Kobar83goodKK-1
17.09.15 KK-2 trialEKSLLea MengelSLK Flutwelle Vectra Ene Vöörmann81goodKK-2
17.09.15 KK-3 trialEKSLLea MengelHOV Damihoff Dagobert Madi Nõmm85goodKK-3
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