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546 results found (6 trials and 486 competitions, 8 different dogs participated):

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Time Sport TrialOrganizer Judge Breed Dog HandlerPointsMarkResultPlace
31.08.13 SK-EVÕI competitionTAKOKaja KoorBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu3011st prizeSK-EVÕI1
10.08.13 H-3 competitionPÄRNUElena DmitrochenkoBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksaludisq.
10.08.13 AG-3 competitionPÄRNUElena DmitrochenkoBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu0excellentAG-32
10.08.13 AG-3 competitionPÄRNUElena DmitrochenkoBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu5excellentAG-32
10.08.13 AG-3 competitionPÄRNUElena DmitrochenkoBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu0.25excellentAG-31
04.08.13 AG-3 competitionVILEBernd HüppeBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu0excellentAG-33
04.08.13 H-3 competitionVILEBernd HüppeBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksaludisq.
03.08.13 AG-3 competitionEKL-KKKBernd HüppeBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu0excellentAG-34
03.08.13 H-3 competitionEKL-KKKBernd HüppeBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu15very goodH-317
21.07.13 AG-3 competitionSÄDEZdenek SpolekBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu0excellentAG-33
21.07.13 AG-3 competitionSÄDEZdenek SpolekBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu5excellentAG-38
21.07.13 H-3 competitionSÄDEZdenek SpolekBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu0excellentH-34
07.07.13 H-3 competitionSAAREAGSalme MujunenBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksaludisq.
07.07.13 AG-3 competitionSAAREAGSalme MujunenBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu5excellentAG-35
06.07.13 SK-EVÕI competitionSAAREAGSalme MujunenBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu299.51st prizeSK-EVÕI2
22.06.13 AG-3 competitionPÄRNUPeteris AkimovsBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksaludisq.
22.06.13 AG-3 competitionPÄRNUPeteris AkimovsBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu5excellentAG-33
15.06.13 SK-EVÕI competitionEVLÜAnu OksBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu2941st prizeSK-EVÕI1
08.06.13 SK-EVÕI competitionTAKOSvetlana ZolotnikovaBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu2931st prizeSK-EVÕI1
23.03.13 SK-EVÕI competitionTAKORiikka PulliainenBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu3111st prizeSK-EVÕI1
23.02.13 SK-EVÕI competitionTAKOAnu OksBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu223.53rd prizeSK-EVÕI3
27.01.13 SK-EVÕI competitionLUCKYTimo Pussinen, Anu Oks (ALG)BC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu299.51st prizeSK-EVÕI2
12.01.13 SK-EVÕI competitionTAKOVladislava AkimovaBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu2951st prizeSK-EVÕI2
27.10.12 H-3 competitionSAAREAGAngela UngerBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu0excellentH-31
27.10.12 AG-3 competitionSAAREAGAngela UngerBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu0excellentAG-31
27.10.12 AG-3 competitionSAAREAGAngela UngerBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu10very goodAG-34
15.09.12 AG-3 competitionTAKONils LindqvistBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu10very goodAG-36
15.09.12 AG-3 competitionTAKONils LindqvistBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksaludisq.
15.09.12 AG-3 competitionTAKONils LindqvistBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksaludisq.
15.09.12 AG-3 competitionTAKONils LindqvistBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu15very goodAG-35
08.09.12 SK-EVÕI competitionEKL-KKKJohann KurzbauerBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu299.51st prizeSK-EVÕI1
02.09.12 H-3 competitionVILESvetlana ZolotnikovaBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu5excellentH-31
02.09.12 AG-3 competitionVILESvetlana ZolotnikovaBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu15very goodAG-35
25.08.12 AG-3 competitionTAKORonald MouwenBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksaludisq.
25.08.12 H-3 competitionTAKORonald MouwenBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu21.27goodH-310
25.08.12 AG-3 competitionTAKORonald MouwenBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu11.24very goodAG-36
25.08.12 AG-3 competitionTAKORonald MouwenBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu10very goodAG-33
12.08.12 H-3 competitionA-KOERKees StoelBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksaludisq.
12.08.12 AG-3 competitionA-KOERKees StoelBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu10very goodAG-33
11.08.12 SK-EVÕI competitionTAKOVladislava AkimovaBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu294.51st prizeSK-EVÕI1
05.08.12 H-3 competitionPÄRNUJohanna NybergBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksaludisq.
05.08.12 AG-3 competitionPÄRNUJohanna NybergBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu5excellentAG-35
05.08.12 AG-3 competitionPÄRNUJohanna NybergBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu5excellentAG-35
04.08.12 H-3 competitionEKL-KKKJohanna NybergBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu5excellentH-37
04.08.12 AG-3 competitionEKL-KKKJohanna NybergBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu5excellentAG-33
07.07.12 SK-EVÕI competitionSAAREAGKaja KoorBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu254.52nd prizeSK-EVÕI1
16.06.12 H-3 competitionPÄRNUZeljko GoraBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu27.75H-34
16.06.12 AG-3 competitionPÄRNUZeljko GoraBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu22.66goodAG-35
16.06.12 AG-3 competitionPÄRNUZeljko GoraBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksaludisq.
10.06.12 SK-EVÕI competitionKAGUAnu OksBC Tending Eagle-Eyed Anne Tammiksalu2971st prizeSK-EVÕI1
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