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1075 results found (149 trials and 25 competitions, 819 different dogs participated):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ... 22 next
Time Sport TrialOrganizer Judge Breed Dog HandlerPointsMarkResultPlace
01.09.18 FH1 competitionVIIMSIUrve LagedaSLK Estrellest Dragon Drax Ulla Ostra80goodFH11
01.09.18 FH2 competitionVIIMSIUrve LagedaSLK Estrellest Kurimuri Kardinal Eve Pungas98excellentFH21
01.09.18 FH2 competitionVIIMSIUrve LagedaMAL Tulikuuma Sähkövirta Aarne Väli97excellentFH22-3
01.09.18 FH2 competitionVIIMSIUrve LagedaDOB Dobgun's Birger Jarl Leela Nõu97excellentFH22-3
01.09.18 FH2 competitionVIIMSIUrve LagedaSLK Estrellest Hurmuri Ronja Maret Tanissaar96excellentFH24
01.09.18 FH2 competitionVIIMSIUrve LagedaSSN Saturain Legally Blond Eero Hyvärinen88goodFH25
01.09.18 FH2 competitionVIIMSIUrve LagedaSLK Estrellest Dragon Dreik Maret Tanissaar80goodFH26
09.07.17 FH1 competitionEDÜUrve LagedaSLK Estrellest Kurimuri Kardinal Eve Pungas89goodFH11
09.07.17 FH1 competitionEDÜUrve LagedaDOB Dobgun's Birger Jarl Leela Nõu86goodFH12
09.07.17 FH1 competitionEDÜUrve LagedaSLK Estrellest Dragon Dark Ljubov Smirnova84goodFH13
09.07.17 FH1 competitionEDÜUrve LagedaAT Katherina's Land Some Marathon Inger Kuus15unsatisfactory
09.07.17 FH2 competitionEDÜUrve LagedaMAL Tulikuuma Sähkövirta Aarne Väli98excellentFH21-2
09.07.17 FH2 competitionEDÜUrve LagedaSLK Estrellest Hurmuri Hundiin Anu Oks98excellentFH21-2
09.07.17 FH2 competitionEDÜUrve LagedaMAL Vyatkins' Vesper Reelika Reilson96excellentFH23
09.07.17 FH2 competitionEDÜUrve LagedaMAL Blaze Cobra Liia Rikkinen85goodFH24
09.07.17 FH2 competitionEDÜUrve LagedaSSN Phoenix Emperor Power Spice Jaanika Kuldmaa75satisfactoryFH25
09.07.17 FH2 competitionEDÜUrve LagedaDOB Falk Festus Allegro Leela Nõu48unsatisfactory
09.07.17 FH2 competitionEDÜUrve LagedaDOB Yacheero's Ursela Urselina Mare Meldre48unsatisfactory
09.07.17 FH2 competitionEDÜUrve LagedaHOV Nicky vom Hause Luka Greta Rüütel15unsatisfactory
23.05.15 IPO-2 competitionESLÜUrve Lageda, Vilve RoosioksSLK Ignis von Gut Korten Riho Kivila239satisfactoryIPO-21
23.05.15 IPO-2 competitionESLÜUrve Lageda, Vilve RoosioksSLK Laisa Oger Schloss Lea Tõnismäeunsatisfactory
23.05.15 IPO-3 competitionESLÜUrve Lageda, Vilve RoosioksSLK Estrellest Imeline Tsüklon Merlin Kanter266goodIPO-31
23.05.15 IPO-3 competitionESLÜUrve Lageda, Vilve RoosioksSLK Unerschrocken Pink Leie Pajula246goodIPO-32
23.05.15 IPO-3 competitionESLÜUrve Lageda, Vilve RoosioksSLK Wunderstern Joop Toomas Kattelunsatisfactory
23.05.15 IPO-3 competitionESLÜUrve Lageda, Vilve RoosioksSLK Margman Wildfire Wanda Monika Rusing239satisfactoryIPO-33
23.05.15 IPO-3 competitionESLÜUrve Lageda, Vilve RoosioksSLK Unerschrocken Vita Tatjana Tšernjakovaunsatisfactory
23.05.15 IPO-3 competitionESLÜUrve Lageda, Vilve RoosioksSLK Unerschrocken Prada Nelli Sõptšenkounsatisfactory
23.05.15 PJK-1 competitionESLÜUrve Lageda, Vilve RoosioksVLK Born To Win White Target Kersti Pink171goodPJK-11
23.05.15 PJK-3 competitionESLÜUrve Lageda, Vilve RoosioksSLK Jabina Quick Mare Adermann177goodPJK-31
23.05.15 PJK-3 competitionESLÜUrve Lageda, Vilve RoosioksSLK Margman Bilberry Margus Vesper149satisfactoryPJK-32
17.11.12 KK-1 competitionARTICUSUrve LagedaSLK Chantico A Marckhell Kelin Pihlakas75satisfactoryKK-11-2
17.11.12 KK-1 competitionARTICUSUrve LagedaLAB Juht Ivor Kristi Kreitsmann75satisfactoryKK-11-2
17.11.12 KK-1 competitionARTICUSUrve LagedaSLK Heleros Frisbee Kersti Põllumäe72satisfactoryKK-13
17.11.12 KK-2 competitionARTICUSUrve LagedaSLK Margman Wildfire Wanda Monika Rusing86goodKK-21
17.11.12 KK-2 competitionARTICUSUrve LagedaSLK Flutwelle Prints Silver Siim76satisfactoryKK-22
17.11.12 KK-2 competitionARTICUSUrve LagedaSLK Golttvizen Hof Miro Julia Eesalu70satisfactoryKK-23
17.11.12 KK-2 competitionARTICUSUrve LagedaSLK Heleros Argon Jaakko Vaahtoniemidisq.
17.11.12 KK-3 competitionARTICUSUrve LagedaSLK Daana Ivo Milli86goodKK-31
17.11.12 KK-3 competitionARTICUSUrve LagedaSLK Wunderstern Joop Toomas Kattel83goodKK-32
17.11.12 KK-3 competitionARTICUSUrve LagedaISS Fageljägarens Carrion Crow Maarja Laidla81goodKK-33
17.11.12 KK-3 competitionARTICUSUrve LagedaSLK Heleros Hekla Enely Öeren70satisfactoryKK-34-6
17.11.12 KK-3 competitionARTICUSUrve LagedaSLK Centaur Janec Mururand70satisfactoryKK-34-6
17.11.12 KK-3 competitionARTICUSUrve LagedaKUL Meiepere Creme Gracia Pirgit Pai70satisfactoryKK-34-6
17.11.12 KK-3 competitionARTICUSUrve LagedaSLK Heleros Elektra Annika Palm65unsatisfactory
17.11.12 KK-3 competitionARTICUSUrve LagedaSLK Unerschrocken Schico Aljona Jeremejevawithdrawn
20.10.12 IPO-3 competitionESLÜUrve LagedaSLK Estrellest Marco Polo Meeli Puusepp265goodIPO-31
20.10.12 IPO-3 competitionESLÜUrve LagedaSLK Wunderstern Team Las Vegas Veiko Väljasunsatisfactory
20.10.12 IPO-3 competitionESLÜUrve LagedaSLK Flutwelle Ixoros Ene Vöörmann227satisfactoryIPO-32
20.10.12 IPO-3 competitionESLÜUrve LagedaSLK Heleros Qwinto Katriin Salumaaunsatisfactory
20.10.12 PJK-1 competitionESLÜUrve LagedaSSN Saturain Legally Blond Eero Hyvärinen171goodPJK-11
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