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229 results found (10 trials and 11 competitions, 140 different dogs participated):
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Time Sport TrialOrganizer Judge Breed Dog HandlerPointsMarkResultPlace
15.02.20 KK-1 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasKUL Milky Way Soul Apollo Kaire Marttila91very goodKK-11
15.02.20 KK-1 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasKUL Star Light Son Dasty Marika Hänilane87goodKK-12
15.02.20 KK-1 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasKUL Double Flame Jamie Shine Kaidi Kobar85goodKK-13
15.02.20 KK-1 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Wunderstern Penelope Ahto Luidalepp83goodKK-14
15.02.20 KK-1 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Margman Zethro Maris Abel81goodKK-15
15.02.20 KK-1 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Unerschrocken Geko Astrid Maldre77satisfactoryKK-16
15.02.20 KK-1 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasMIX Falco Teunis Elbertus Tijsseling76satisfactoryKK-17
15.02.20 KK-1 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Schwarze Libelle Agatha Maire Õunmaa75satisfactoryKK-18
15.02.20 KK-1 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasMIX Simba Raina Jeeberg58unsatisfactory
15.02.20 KK-2 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Karli Ynis Avslach Vladimir Ljaskin91very goodKK-21
15.02.20 KK-2 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSSN Zarina's Design Tu Eres Mi Todo Aleksandra Bekker87goodKK-22
15.02.20 KK-2 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Estrellest Fööniks Farah-Frist Merike Võsu86goodKK-23
15.02.20 KK-2 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasROT Boxlee T-Rex Evi Peterson82goodKK-24
15.02.20 KK-2 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Uni Oger Schloss Viire Hints80goodKK-25
15.02.20 KK-2 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSIL Amazing Black Beauty Reverie Stream Anneli Ilumets78satisfactoryKK-26
15.02.20 KK-2 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Wunderstern Pablo Artur Kattai76satisfactoryKK-27
15.02.20 KK-2 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Aussenhaus Urax Eugen Põllumäe75satisfactoryKK-28
15.02.20 KK-2 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Matsalu Berta Kalle Kulpson74satisfactoryKK-29
15.02.20 KK-2 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Wunderstern Indy Toomas Kattel73satisfactoryKK-210
15.02.20 KK-2 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Wunderstern Karella Marek Tammemäe72satisfactoryKK-211
15.02.20 KK-2 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Wunderstern Foster Anne Aasma-Erisalu71satisfactoryKK-212
15.02.20 KK-2 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Inxest Aranda Laura-Maria Mets65unsatisfactory
15.02.20 KK-2 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Flutwelle Barilla Evgenia Arutjonova52unsatisfactory
15.02.20 KK-2 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Wunderstern Pelyna Kristel Kuznetsova51unsatisfactory
15.02.20 KK-2 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Aussenhaus Rocco Tamara Danilova48unsatisfactory
15.02.20 KK-2 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Margman Sarah Katrin Kresseldisq.
15.02.20 KK-3 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Assauwehof Kertis Merle Kallaste93very goodKK-31
15.02.20 KK-3 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasBC Quick Deabei Kertlin Kallasmaa88goodKK-32
15.02.20 KK-3 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Unerschrocken Cora Leie Pajula85goodKK-33
15.02.20 KK-3 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasMT Juger Edelweiss Nochnoy Forsazh Julia Knut84goodKK-34
15.02.20 KK-3 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Ester Latmon Vilve Ala-Paal82goodKK-35
15.02.20 KK-3 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Allsaare Erna Natalja Porohnja74satisfactoryKK-36
15.02.20 KK-3 competitionARTICUSMargot LuukasSLK Wunderstern Icco Erkki Alliksoo73satisfactoryKK-37
01.05.21 KK-1 competitionAKTIIVMargot LuukasSLK Wunderstern Surprise Sille Mõik95very goodKK-11
01.05.21 KK-1 competitionAKTIIVMargot LuukasKUL Star Light Son Flora Hanna Liisa Ella94very goodKK-12
01.05.21 KK-1 competitionAKTIIVMargot LuukasLAN White'n Black Ibolya Kadri Vinni90very goodKK-13
01.05.21 KK-1 competitionAKTIIVMargot LuukasLAB Irwlend Asjalik Aadu Rando Sai87goodKK-14
01.05.21 KK-1 competitionAKTIIVMargot LuukasDOG Genedda Insouciant Joie Aire Kolk71satisfactoryKK-15
01.05.21 KK-1 competitionAKTIIVMargot LuukasSLK Mustu Ellen Puujalg55unsatisfactory
01.05.21 KK-2 competitionAKTIIVMargot LuukasBC Follow The Leader Lively Breeze Reet Sai94very goodKK-21
01.05.21 KK-2 competitionAKTIIVMargot LuukasMIX Iti Ülle Pitk93very goodKK-22
01.05.21 KK-2 competitionAKTIIVMargot LuukasDOB Einstein European K9 Training Base Mare Meldre88goodKK-23
01.05.21 KK-2 competitionAKTIIVMargot LuukasMIX Millimeeter Annika Maripuu86goodKK-24
01.05.21 KK-2 competitionAKTIIVMargot LuukasSLK Wunderstern Scarlett Tiit Ojasoo78satisfactoryKK-25
01.05.21 KK-2 competitionAKTIIVMargot LuukasSLK Krahv-Robi Triin Jõgi72satisfactoryKK-26
01.05.21 KK-3 competitionAKTIIVMargot LuukasALK Momento Mistika Sailing To Peak River Annika Maripuu84goodKK-31
01.05.21 KK-3 competitionAKTIIVMargot LuukasHOV Custos Liminis Aragon Madi Nõmm82goodKK-32
20.06.20 VP1 trialDELTAMargot LuukasSLK Margman Leona Marelle Linde97excellentVP1
20.06.20 VP1 trialDELTAMargot LuukasSSN Saturain Quantum Of Solace Katrin Laaniste92very goodVP1
20.06.20 VP1 trialDELTAMargot LuukasLAN Borgmosegaards Lexus Jelena Vendelin87goodVP1
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