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392 results found (15 trials and 16 competitions, 298 different dogs participated):
Time Sport TrialOrganizer Judge Breed Dog HandlerPointsMarkResultPlace
25.02.12 KK-2 competitionARTICUSAljo PärnSLK Flutwelle Prints Silver Siim80goodKK-26
03.12.16 KK-2 trialARTICUSAljo PärnHOV Polarfact Thaleya Silver Moisar70satisfactoryKK-2
14.06.16 KK-1 trialARTICUSAljo PärnHOV Polarfact Thaleya Silver Moisar85goodKK-1
18.05.13 KK-1 competitionEVLÜAljo PärnSLK Estrellest Dragon Derko Siiri Kereme71satisfactoryKK-17
16.07.18 KK-1 trialARTICUSAljo PärnSLK Witney v. Chickhoff Signe Tiitso88goodKK-1
09.06.18 KK-3 competitionIPSONAljo PärnSLK Estrellest Von Viking Signe Paavo70satisfactoryKK-34
12.06.16 KK-1 competitionIPSONAljo PärnSLK Estrellest Von Viking Signe Paavo90very goodKK-11
28.06.13 KK-2 trialHAAPSALUAljo PärnSLK Defendervil Faust Ruth Lillepea76satisfactoryKK-2
20.08.14 KK-2 trialHAAPSALUAljo PärnSLK Aussenhaus Mentos Roger Uusmaa77satisfactoryKK-2
28.06.13 KK-1 trialHAAPSALUAljo PärnSLK Aussenhaus Mentos Roger Uusmaa79satisfactoryKK-1
18.11.17 KK-3 competitionARTICUSAljo PärnSLK Estrellest Frayete Flamme Rita Vellend45unsatisfactory
07.09.13 KK-2 trialIPSONAljo PärnSLK Estrellest Wiola Melody Rita Vellend31unsatisfactory
14.06.16 KK-1 trialARTICUSAljo PärnSLK Margman Flocky Rita Pillessonwithdrawn
20.08.14 KK-1 trialHAAPSALUAljo PärnAM Hellerkantri Fiona Panda Rita Koppel79satisfactoryKK-1
31.07.16 KK-1 trialARTICUSAljo PärnMIX Ammi Risto Esko90very goodKK-1
16.07.18 KK-1 trialARTICUSAljo PärnSLK Wunderstern Iira Riina Ruven77satisfactoryKK-1
16.07.18 KK-1 trialARTICUSAljo PärnSLK Wunderstern Jolana Riina Ruven74satisfactoryKK-1
12.05.13 KK-3 competitionEDÜAljo PärnSLK Flutwelle Nicko Riina Kitsing74satisfactoryKK-33
17.06.12 KK-3 competitionPÄRNUAljo PärnSLK Flutwelle Nicko Riina Kitsing81goodKK-33
22.04.12 KK-3 competitionIPSONAljo PärnSLK Flutwelle Nicko Riina Kitsing56unsatisfactory
18.05.13 KK-1 competitionEVLÜAljo PärnSLK Heleros Morgan Rene Radala57unsatisfactory
12.05.13 KK-1 competitionEDÜAljo PärnSLK Heleros Morgan Rene Radala55unsatisfactory
23.05.15 KK-1 trialHAAPSALUAljo PärnSLK Matsalu Apollo Relli Annert90very goodKK-1
01.08.20 KK-2 competitionAKTIIVAljo PärnBC Follow The Leader Lively Breeze Reet Sai94very goodKK-21
23.04.17 KK-1 competitionAKTIIVAljo PärnBC Cordelia Reet Koppel93very goodKK-13
22.04.12 KK-1 competitionIPSONAljo PärnDOB Yacheero's Ramona Rhapsody Reet Kaus75satisfactoryKK-16-7
18.05.13 KK-1 competitionEVLÜAljo PärnMAL Mecberger Onni Raul Bamberg90very goodKK-11
18.05.13 KK-2 competitionEVLÜAljo PärnSLK Fest Kiefer Nero Raul Bamberg70satisfactoryKK-21
02.03.19 KK-1 competitionARTICUSAljo PärnSLK Inxest Uxy-Jasmiin Rando Rämmeld75satisfactoryKK-14
03.12.16 KK-1 trialARTICUSAljo PärnSLK Inxest Uxy-Jasmiin Rando Rämmeld91very goodKK-1
07.09.13 KK-1 trialIPSONAljo PärnKUL Meiepere Golden Lights Rando Komi94very goodKK-1
08.06.17 KK-1 trialARTICUSAljo PärnSLK Blackest Morgan Raivo Neeme56unsatisfactory
18.05.13 KK-1 competitionEVLÜAljo PärnMIX Barbara Rainer Tõemets67unsatisfactory
18.11.17 KK-2 competitionARTICUSAljo PärnSLK Wunderstern Dabacco Rainer Kütt56unsatisfactory
03.12.16 KK-1 trialARTICUSAljo PärnNF Bossa 'N' Magic Simply Survivor Rain Idavain85goodKK-1
18.06.17 KK-3 competitionEDÜAljo PärnSLK Unerschrocken Zarita Raimo Lander78satisfactoryKK-310-11
27.06.15 KK-3 competitionEKL-KKKAljo PärnSLK Unerschrocken Zarita Raimo Lander76satisfactoryKK-312
07.08.14 KK-2 trialCANISAljo PärnSLK Unerschrocken Zarita Raimo Lander74satisfactoryKK-2
24.04.14 KK-1 trialCANISAljo PärnSLK Unerschrocken Zarita Raimo Lander90very goodKK-1
17.06.12 KK-3 competitionPÄRNUAljo PärnKUL Meiepere Creme Gracia Pirgit Pai91very goodKK-31
25.02.12 KK-3 competitionARTICUSAljo PärnKUL Meiepere Creme Gracia Pirgit Pai89goodKK-34
16.07.18 KK-2 trialARTICUSAljo PärnSLK Wunderstern Faddy Piret Oper72satisfactoryKK-2
09.06.18 KK-1 competitionIPSONAljo PärnVIZ Gyrkovari Lelkes Piret Oja80goodKK-12
18.11.17 KK-2 competitionARTICUSAljo PärnSLK Margman Acapella Piret Koor69unsatisfactory
27.06.15 KK-3 competitionEKL-KKKAljo PärnSLK Fest Kiefer Quantana Piret Koemets74satisfactoryKK-313
07.08.14 KK-3 trialCANISAljo PärnSLK Fest Kiefer Quantana Piret Koemetswithdrawn
24.04.14 KK-2 trialCANISAljo PärnSLK Fest Kiefer Quantana Piret Koemets78satisfactoryKK-2
08.06.17 KK-2 trialARTICUSAljo PärnKUL Chess Sopretty Kaley Kara Goldelse Pille Kurm65unsatisfactory
31.07.16 KK-1 trialARTICUSAljo PärnKUL Chess Sopretty Kaley Kara Goldelse Pille Kurm94very goodKK-1
16.11.13 KK-2 competitionARTICUSAljo PärnSLK Wunderstern Spartacus Pille Heinsaar80goodKK-22
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